I look closely at the space between the individual and the surrounding world. In answer to the spectacle of this era overwhelmed by modernization and the absurd environment we are facing, I study the limitation of the concept of monument, address the struggle of identities, conflicting subject/object and the absurdity of meaningless life. I propose a new form of monument recognizing individuals not as the identity of people, but as wandering isolated multitudes sharing the feeling of “not feeling at home”, endeavor to recover the echo of nature, survive in the isolated social environment, and maintain the fragile connection between people and life. I believe Individuals are shaped by the environment, and at the same time, art is the practice of individuals which is presented as the trace of multitudes’ interaction with the world, it’s a trace of memory. Practice of art then becomes the marker of individuals’ existence, and through the experience of viewers, it is also the monument for those who share the feeling of being strangers to the world. Art, to me, is the absurd monument for absurd multitudes in the absurd environment. 

My practice focuses on shaping the experience for the audience with ambiguity and reconstructing reality through fragments of life. I make multimedia installations with simple colors and a range of scales. These works occupy the space with film-like visual language including light and tone to emphasize the atmosphere of unfamiliar. Artificial and natural materials are integrated with geometric shapes and grids to complicate original understanding, and create both surreal and uncanny scenes. I make monuments using materials without hierarchy, but with preference. The preference of memory is through pure observation of reality. I concentrate on perceptual experience and treat art as the playground – not to escape, but to live in the liminal space between daily life and dream. I take art as a way to abandon efficiency, bring the dream to reality, and return the artificial world to the aesthetics of nature through making absurd monuments. I let this monument become a garden in order to give infinite mundane daily life a ceremony, and we live in it.